Ease pain with natural herbal formula, for sports injury or aching joints

Everyone has been impressed.

I’ve been cycling two hours to work lately. But I had to do something after spraining my ankles. I couldn’t go running any more and I needed to exercise somehow, so I turned to cycling.

But in spraining my ankles I’ve learnt a lot of lessons the hard way.

The most important one is, if you’re in pain DON’T push it!

I’d read about RICE before (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate) – it’s what you’re supposed to do to an injury to minimise long term damage. (Recently, a St John’s Ambulance trainer told me that the compress bit has changed to “make comfortable” – I’m not sure why – maybe because you have to be careful not to damage the wound when you compress it?)

But as much as I knew about RICE I didn’t really follow it and, through overdoing it, my ankle swelled up nicely.

So, you’ll forgive me for being extra interested in Biofreeze – a pain relieving spray, roll on or gel.

Biofreeze helps you get back on your feet
Biofreeze helps you get back on your feet

The purpose of the ice treatment is to stop inflamation. Recommendations for this vary but the common advice is to apply an ice pack for 20 minutes every couple of hours for 1-2 days. Immediately you’ll realise why Biofreeze is so useful: as a handy application it does the same job as ice but provides you with much more convenience.

You will however still need to rest until you can use the wounded part of your body without too much pain. I hope to keep some of this stuff in my desk at work so that I can continue to use it for sports injuries when I need to. I’d also like to tell my boss that it’s necessary for me to put my feet up at work too (elevation), but she’d probably say to me to ‘get on yer bike’.

In addition to the active cooling ingredient in Biofreeze, Isopropyl Alcohol, Biofreeze also uses herbal extracts to promote fast, deep and lasting pain relief. It promises not to burn you like other ice treatments and it won’t stain your clothing.

Of course, relief from pain is needed in lots of other situations:

If I follow the advice I should stay healthy for some time and eventually I’d like to get back to the running. But I’m a bit more cautious now.