Stop arthritis getting out of hand

Do you know someone who suffers from osteoarthritis? Perhaps you do yourself?

The good news is that researchers are finding ways to better manage bone degeneration…

There are already some useful ways to fight back against the pain. A good diet of foods which help resist inflammation for example. Foods such as colourful vegetables and fruit and fish are good choices along with healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, and olive oil. It’s a good idea to maintain mobility and apply temperature controlled relief to joints too. Of course, doctors are there to advise and may prescribe pain relief medicine.

A recent test however, shows the value of a dietary supplement called chondroitin sulfate.

When 162 adults (all with proven hand osteoarthritis) were tested over six months it was found that those who took the supplement had less hand pain,     better hand function, and less morning stiffness in their hands.

This was regardless of whether they used paracetamol.

It is always advisable to consult a doctor when using supplements, especially to assess what else can be done to help your condition. Many supplements companies are offering a combination of chondroitin sulphate, glucosamine sulphate and collagen as a benefit.